Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cultura Ecuatoriana de Artesania

Ecuadorian Culture and Artisanry

Ecuador is a land rich in craftmanship. These artisans demonstrate a unique excellence that is recognized and highly valued by other countries. Many of the region's greatest artists and artisans exhibit their works at the Festival of Arts, in Cuenca, held at La Esquina de las Artes. La Esquina de Artes is a cultural, artistic, and commerical center for the exposition of art and artisan craftwork that, in part, defines Cuenca as the cultural center of Ecuador. The artists range from fashion designers, to painters, to artisan chocolate makers.

National Symbols

National Bird of Ecuador   

Andean Condor                        Galapagos Tortoises

Video on Ecuadorian Artisanry

Palacio de Carondelet

About Me

My name is Cristina Vidal and I am proud to say that my native country is Ecuador! I currently live in Miami, Fl and I have a 9 year-old daughter named Michelle Vidal.

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